FESTIVAL 2022!!!
Temple holiday is an opportunity to pray and rest with God. For it is not only a time for prayer, but also for resting together. Thinking about the apostles who left for Christ, one can claim that they were with Him in prayer and at rest (communicating, dining together). Therefore, the temple feast is a good occasion to not only pray, but to celebrate together, in community.
Religious Community of the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin in m. Apopka (Florida) sincerely congratulates everyone on the occasion of the end of the celebration of the temple holiday! Also, we express our congratulations and gratitude to everyone who participated in the celebration. May the Blessed Virgin give each of us joy and peace, strengthen in endurance and faith, protect her Intercession and save the Ukrainian people in love and unity!
Prayerfully want to thank everyone who in one way or another was involved in the organization and the same celebrations:
First thanks to the Lord God – Jesus Christ for the gift of the Holy Church he founded and this universe (Catholicism) adds strength and encouragement; it pleases the heart consciousness belongs to the Church of Christ scattered all over the world but at the same time present through Unity with the Apostle Peter and his namisnikami in every parish community.
I want to thank all the people who helped with the kitchen and food. Everything was delicious and everything was enough. Thank you to all those people who cared in advance for the collection and preparation of the Temple. Thank you to our irreplaceable artists who have delighted the audience with their talents for two years. Thank you to our children and their parents who taught ducks and a little worried… But, everything worked out for us..
Thank you and those who do not take their time, but supported prayerfully.
Thank you to all the people who are interested in our parish intensive life, to all who prayed, celebrated, sang, shared the great joy of belonging to the Church of Christ. Thank you to those who joined us through social networks. Thank you for what you are. Thank you for your donations to the temple and your participation in various activities.
Thanks be to God for the gift of the Church and the gift of the parish community, for the gift of life of every person who loves the Church and lives in the Church. For all of us, this event was a great opportunity to remind again that there is a place for everyone in the church and we are all waiting for them.
Dear friends, I thank God for all the people who support and help me in all my initiatives. I ask God for the grace of our parish communities to be “alive” and be able to pray and celebrate together and with God.
With respect,
o. Roman Kuzminsky