Our mission

The mission of the St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Catholic Church

The Mission of the St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is to be, as Christ was, a vibrant living icon of God. This is the vision that inspires the life and ministry of our parish, as a church open to all people of all ethnic backgrounds and social condiAons. This vision calls us to live our faith with integrity so that, as a true icon, we may be for each other and for all others, an authentic medium of God’s Presence.

Two strong supports sustain our vital and shared identity as a living icon:

As a human community, we employ every means available to ensure that a vital ministry is effective and fosters a vigorous life and ministry at every parishioner’s level.

As a faith-filled people of an Eastern ChrisAan TradiAon, we strive to make the Liturgy the heartbeat of our community and the source of our vitality. Gathered with Christ at prayer, we offer a sacrifice of praise and open ourselves to the challenging and transforming Presence of God’s Holy Spirit.