Катехизація для дітей

Ви можете записувати свої дані протягом місяця жовтня у формуляри, хто би бажав, щоб їхні діти пройшли катехизацію. На початку листопада ми почнемо навчання. Навчання буде відбуватися в суботу або в неділю після обіду у церкві та/або онлайн. Catechesis for children. You can record your data during the month of October in forms that you … [Read more…]

Вступне слово адміністратора

ВСТУПНЕ СЛОВО АДМІНІСТРАТОРА ПАРАФІЇ о.РОМАНА КУЗЬМІНСЬКОГО.   9/19/2021Дорогі в Христі, Браття і Сестри!Ми з Вами вже «старі знайомі», але хочу ще раз відрекомендуватися. Мене звати о. Роман Кузьмінський. Оце силою зарядження нашого Преосвященного Владику, Кир Богдана, і з волі Божого Провидіння стою перед Вами як Ваш Душпастир. Приходжу, щоб разом із Вами продовжувати спільну боротьбу проти … [Read more…]

History of the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God

History of the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God JULY 2ND, 2010 by admin No one really knows how the Pochaiv Icon of the Mother of God came into existence. Its designer and year and location of creation have all been lost to history. The written history of the icon begins in 1559, when the … [Read more…]

St. Josaphat, Martyr for Church Unity

The Ukrainian Catholic Church has a particular reverence for Saint Josaphat, archbishop of Polotsk, who gave his life in 1623 as a witness to the importance of Church unity. The Orthodox Churches of the East had been in schism with Rome since the year 1054. A major attempt at reunion in 1439 had ended in … [Read more…]

Our Patron: St. Mary Protectress (Pokrova)

We fly to thy patronage, O Holy Mother of God. Despise not our prayers in our necessities, but ever deliver us from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. The above text is the oldest known prayer honoring Mary as the Theotokos, or Mother of God. It originated in the city of Alexandria, Egypt, which … [Read more…]

The Baptism of Ukraine

The year was 988. Prince Volodymyr (Vladimir) of Rus’ (the ancient name for Ukraine) had consolidated his power, and was hoping to make a lasting name for himself by raising his people up to the status of a great nation. Among the obstacles he faced was the fact that all the great nations he knew … [Read more…]

Priests of St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Catholic Church

Since the founding of this parish 30 years ago, we have had numerous priests serve as pastors and administrators of St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Catholic Church in Apopka, Florida.  Those priests, listed in chronological order, were: 1980-1985 Rev. Andrij Nazarevych о. Андрій Назаревич 1980-1985 Rev. Wasyl Stankaninych (assisted) o. Василь Станканінич (помагав) 1986 Rev. Bohdan … [Read more…]

Our Beginnings in Apopka, Florida

The first Ukrainian family to settle in Apopka (Kowalchuk) arrived in June of 1972. At that time, probably very few people in this area had heard of Ukrainians or Ukraine. Stephen Kowalchuk was a real estate broker with his own firm, who published notices about Apopka in Ukrainian newspapers (e.g., Svoboda). Thus, with time, more … [Read more…]